Foster love ministries logo with a tree in the middle

A Season of Thanks and Giving!

Sara's Story

A little girl is sitting in front of a christmas tree writing in a notebook.

There are so many things to be thankful for! This past year has brought incredible growth and amazing opportunities for ministry within our families and the children we serve. Foster Love has rejoiced with new forever homes for children, prayed for children in need, and cried together over the hardships and pain endured by children in our broken system.

Let us share a story of pain, hope and joy with you. A beautiful little girl, we will call Sara, grabbed ahold of our hearts this year. She came to Foster Love from an abused home, fragile, broken and afraid. Placed in a Foster Love home, Sara was desperate for love, and the need to feel safe and secure.

Our foster parents tried to reach Sara, but struggled for weeks to even get Sara to respond. Our foster parents, staff, and anyone who knew Sara prayed, and cried out for a breakthrough, a miracle, and then it happened. The miracle we had been praying for, in the most beautiful way. Sara was having a hard day, our Foster Mom just didn’t know what to do, and she finally took Sara in her arms, and wouldn’t let go, holding Sara, rocking her back and forth telling her over and over again that she was safe and was going to be okay. Something happened, changed, and God moved in that moment, because Sara melt-ed into her Foster Mother’s arms, feeling safety, security, and the love that she needed. She began to repeat, “I’m safe, I’m safe, I’m safe.”

Sara is now thriving, laughing, and healing. This is what being a foster parent is all about, loving and nurturing children that come from such hard places. We get to be a part of Sara’s story, and others, whose lives are forever changed.

We have so much to be thankful for, and it all goes back to faith, hope, joy and most of all love!

A brown horse is behind a metal fence and looking at the camera.
10 Jun, 2024
Roastin' on the Coast
A close up of a christmas tree decorated with balls and lights.
10 Jun, 2024
Sara's Story
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